Beautiful Sentence

Too often, the best things are the ones right before our eyes...If we would only take a moment to see them. 往往,最美好的事物就是我们眼前的一切。只需要我们花点时间认真看看它们。

I shall take my pain and turn it into a beauty so blinding that it will dim the stars, the sun will fall, and the heavens will weep. 我应该接受我的承受的痛苦,并将它转变为一种耀眼得让星星黯然失色、让太阳落幕以及让天堂暗自神伤的美丽。

Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else. 珍惜哪些在你对所有人隐身的时候,还能看见你的人。

Don't try to understand everything. Because sometimes it's not meant to be understood, but to be accepted. 不要试着去理解所有的事情。因为有时候它们不是来被理解的,而是被接受的。

People say “Never expect anything in return from anyone”. But the truth is... When we really love someone, we naturally expect a little care from them. 人们说:“永远不要指望别人回报什么。”但是事实是,当我们深爱一个人的时候,我们会自然地期望从他们哪里得到一丝关爱。