

Best thing I ever did was to get to know you.

My job is at stake here.

The fine art of small talk

Definitly Not to do

Good things come to those who wait.
Silence is gloden.
Wait to be properly introduced.
Don't talk to strangers.

Starting with a Statement

  • What a beautiful day. What's your favourite season of the year?
  • I was truly touched by that movie. How did you like it? Why?
  • This is a wonderful restaurant. What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
  • What a great conference! Tell me about the sessions you attended.
  • I was absent last week. What did I miss?
  • That was a n interesting program after lunch. What do you think?
  • Presidential campaigns seem to start immediately after the inauguration. What do you think of the campaign process?
  • I am so frustrated with getting this business off the ground. Do you have any ideas?

Issue an Invitation

  • I don't want to monopolize your time this evening.
  • Can we arrange to meet later?
  • Will I see you at the next meeting?
  • I'll be thinking of you during your ___. May I call you when you get back?
  • I'd enjoy spending some time with you. Can I phone you to set upa convenient time?
  • I'll drop off that article we discussed at your office next week. I'll phone you and schedule a time.
  • I'd like to rehash what we did in class tonight. Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?